Accueil  Publications  Representational Kinds

In J. Smortchkova, K. DoÅ‚Ä™ga, & Tobias Schlicht (eds.) « What Are Mental Representations ? » Oxford University Press, 2020.

Representational Kinds

avec J. Smortchkova

samedi 3 octobre 2020, Michael Murez

Abstract : Many debates in philosophy focus on whether folk or scientific psychological notions pick out cognitive natural kinds. Examples include memory, emotions and concepts. A potentially interesting kind of kind is : kinds of mental representations (as opposed, for example, to kinds of psychological faculties). In this chapter we outline a proposal for a theory of representational kinds in cognitive science. We argue that the explanatory role of representational kinds in scientific theories, in conjunction with a mainstream approach to explanation in cognitive science, suggest that representational kinds are multi-level. This is to say that representational kinds’ properties cluster at different levels of explanation and allow for intra- and inter-level projections.


À propos de l'auteur :

Maà®tre de conférences.
Philosophie de l’esprit. Philosophie du langage.

Courrier électronique : Michael Murez

Du même auteur :
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    Belief Fragments and Mental Files

    Oxford University Press, 2021.

    Michael Murez
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    Le fressellianisme face au dilemme de l’accointance

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  • Synthese 2019

    Hearing meanings : the revenge of context

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