Accueil à‰vénements du CAPHI  Delius in 2012 : an Internatio

22 et 23 septembre 2012

Delius in 2012 : an International Celebration

Study Weekend at The British Library, London

dimanche 23 septembre 2012, Jérà´me Rossi

Symposium international autour de F. Delius.

A weekend symposium event organised by The Delius Society in partnership with the British Library, focuses on the life and work of the composer and highlights why we should celebrate Delius’s many achievements.

A special two day programme of lectures and musical events to educate and entertain, with an international panel of Delius authorities including Tim Blanning, Lionel Carley, Richard Chesser, Jeremy Dibble, Bo Holten, Anthony Payne, Nora Sirbaugh and Jérome Rossi.

Voir le programme : http://www.delius.org.uk/2012.htm

À propos :

Maà®tre de Conférences. Musique et musicologie.

Courrier électronique : Jérà´me Rossi

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